Monday, March 30, 2020

Coconut Jello

Note: This is not a baking recipe

The last time I made coconut jello, I followed a recipe to the dot and it did not solidify. This time, based on my experience making agar plates and agarose gels, I added 1g agar powder per every 100ml liquid. This is what I did:

  • Add 8g agar powder to 200ml room temperature water
  • Bring to slow boil 
  • Add 300ml coconut milk and 300ml whole milk
  • Add 50g sugar
  • Bring to slow boil 
  • Pour into glass pan and let solidify at room temp before transferring to fridge

The agar came out firmer than I would like but the sweetness is perfect for me. I will reduce the agar powder next time to try getting that jiggly consistency. 

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